Sunday, October 24, 2010



Hair as golden as the shining sun
Skin as white as snow
Tommy is his name
Just a little boy
Someone you would like to know

James, his best friend
A fine young lad
Such a delightful child
Skin as dark as a summer's night
Hair, black and curly, so neatly styled

Two young children
They are best friends
And they know a friend's worth
Buddies, Pals
For each other, they would go
to the ends of the earth

We are the adults
But we need to look
too the right and too the left
Yes, we need to look around
Take off the blinders
So, the hearts of people can be found

But people are set in their ways
So many have made up their minds
And there is not much we can do
Before they even get to know someone
It's a friendship they would never pursue

Not only are there boundaries
between countries in this sad world
we live in
But the boundaries even go between
the color of skin

We could be Tommy
We could be James
Or any other name blown in the wind
The innocence of children
How wise they are
They see, not color
They see, a Best Friend

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